It was the eleventh of March twenty twenty
when the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 as a pandemic.
Schools, colleges, institutions all started going remote and shutting down.
Workplaces, daycares, and a select few medical practices eventually did the same.
The news of the pandemic was surreal to plenty of individuals,
As people continued to hang out in large groups despite the government’s orders.
In response, the virus spread rapidly, the number of cases only increasing.
As the media revealed and reported the increasing amount of cases and deaths,
it hit people like an 18-wheeler, and they began to self-isolate and social distance.
The self-isolation time period has taught the world many lessons.
COVID-19 has made us gain an appreciation for quality time with family or friends.
Some people in the world aren’t able to embrace moments like these,
and others are struggling to grasp this new social distancing vibe, specifically financially.
COVID-19 has helped us pick up more hobbies and skills for fun,
as this self-isolation vibe tends to result in the rise of mental health problems and absolute boredom.
From video calling loved ones, to cooking and baking, to different art skills, to improving self-care,
to watching movies and TV shows of all sorts– these are the several unique hobbies that have
strolled into our daily routine. This lockdown has allowed us to create and grow new bonds with relatives, especially cousins.
This COVID-19 lockdown has taught us many lessons and has helped us find more pastimes to keep busy with. It’s bringing out our inner child in ourselves, and got us reminiscing on our past and childhood.
We will look back on this extraordinary time, and realize all the amazing memories we’ve made throughout this self-isolation period.
The spread of COVID-19 is as fast as a jetski, but the best way to take precaution is to stay home and safe.
Although places and businesses are beginning to open up, let’s do our part and let the medical professionals on the frontline do their thing!