‘quality of goodness’. one of the three principle qualities of prakruti, or mãyã, characterised by awareness and vairãgya towards the vishays. when sattvagun prevails, the antahkaran is pure, and one can pleasantly worship God’s form. also, when sattvagun is predominant, the fruits of any karmas performed by a jiva are experienced during the waking state. the products of sattvagun include happiness, gnãn, vairãgya, wisdom, tranquility, self-restraint, etc
'quality of darkness’. one of the three principle qualities of prakruti, or mãyã, characterised by unconsciousness and passiveness. when tamogun prevails, no thoughts arise in the antahkaran at all and one experiences a feeling of emptiness. also, when tamogun is predominant, the fruits of any karmas performed by a jiva are experienced during the state of deep sleep. the products of tamogun include laziness, sleep, anger, avarice, etc
'quality of passion’. one of the three principle qualities of prakruti, or mãyã, characterised by incoherence and desires for the vishays. when rajogun prevails, the antahkaran becomes polluted and many disturbing thoughts regarding desires for the vishays arise, making it difficult to worship god’s form. also, when rajogun is predominant, the fruits of any karmas performed by a jiva are experienced in the dream state. the products of rajogun include lust, desires for enjoying sense pleasures, etc.